woensdag 29 mei 2013

New In | Vintage Pink Shorts

Hey everyone!

Animecon is getting closer, it is already this weekend! Since I still need to prepare my costume, I decided to go to the mall today. While I was searching for some blouses, a maillot and a pair of shoes with my friend my eye got caught by this shorts.

Summer is coming (I hope so!) and I found my vacation (which is in less than 4 weeks) a good excuse to buy these shorts by Denim Co. I really like the vintage at the bottom, and the fact that it the darkblue is coming out through the pink, gives it a edgier look. I believe this is hot!

This is going to be one of my favourites to wear this summer, for sure! What do you like to wear in summer? :)

I also will post my progress with the Asuna-costume today, so stay tuned!

Li Hao

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