donderdag 23 mei 2013

Announcement : I'm done!

Hey everyone!
For the one who think I'm done with bloggen: you're wrong ;). No, I'm done with my exams! It was a harsh time with obstacles, such as lack of sleep, healthissues because of not eating properly and of course, big mess in my room! Sometimes it was even hard to find my books back... that's why I didn't even had time to make LOTW photo's..I feel so bad for that...But I guess I would look like someone from a reallife horror haha.

But, now I'm finished! And I can't wait to blog again! So prepare for some blogs, starting....tomorrow. Sorry guys, but I need my rest first. It was really exhausting, uggh. Can't believe people do this to us you know? :P

Anyway, stay tuned because I'm going to blog more :)
And also, I'm finally making progress with ideas for a new layout, hope to show it to you soon!

Li Hao

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