woensdag 6 augustus 2014

The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku Cosplay | Final Part

Click here for the 2nd part!
This is the third and also last part of my cosplay costume. This time I put the finishing pieces together to make it complete. I started with the cap. I sewed a red ribbon around it and with black and yellow carton I finished the cap.

The next thing I finished was the top. It only needed some golden buttons and attached them on the sides of the top. Easy as pie, and I'm happy that it turned out really well!

I also made some black stars, which goes upon her body. I never thought it would be that hard to make the perfect star, but after some practise and a lot of cutting it ended up succesful.
Miku also wears a headphone, but it wasn't exactly easy to find one. After searching for a while, I finally found one and ordered it. It wasn't the cheapest one for me, so I thought I'd use is for my project and for my self. Turns out the things doesn't work quite well. Oh well, you cannot have everything the way you want right?

Last but not least: The black parts that go around her legs. I don't know how to call them actually. Anyway, I made these with black carton, and painted the stripes red with acrylic paint. To make the painting a bit easier, I used some tape to stay within the lines.To get the carton parts in place, I cut pieces of a black legging. I fold the legging when it's around my leg, so the legging will hold the carton in place.
The legging.
Hope you liked it and stay tuned!
Li Hao

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