zondag 24 augustus 2014

Kirito GGO Cosplay | Part I

Not even one week left before the big convention Abunai! takes place. I'm very excited for it, since it will be the first time for me to enter a convention for two days instead of one. Still, I have to do a lot of work to complete both my Tohka and my Kirito cosplays.

For this first part of Kirito I bought half of the cosplay. One person sold it for a great price, so I couldn't resist it. The main reason I wanted to cosplay Kirito was that I thought that it was a girl. Everyone told me that he plays a girl in the game. Literally everyone! But now I know I shouldn't listen to them anymore haha. He still is a guy in GGO, but looks a lot like a girl. It kinda feels weird to cosplay a character like this, but I hope it will look good on me!
The jacket.
The cuirass.
The shirt.

Does this have an official name?
I really want to know haha
The things that I bought from the costume are the shirt, the jacket, the cuirass and the belt including the...how should I call it...bottomcoat? I have no idea how to name it. For this cosplay, two friends of mine are making a fake gun and a light saber. All I need to do is to find a wig, some gloves, a pair of boots and of course some pants. I also might buy some contacts, since both Tohka and Kirito are heavin purple-ish eyes. (^-^)

There is only one problem that I need to solve right now. Since Kirito is a male, he is flatchested. I'm not. So the thing is, is that the cuirass doesn't fit me the way that I want to...so I need to find a solution for this. (>_<)

Click here for part 2!!
Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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