vrijdag 22 augustus 2014

New In | My own mannequin!

Hey everyone!
Today I received my very own mannequin! I'm very excited about this. I've been making clothes for 1,5 year now, but never had the money to buy a decent mannequin. Can you imagine how it is to be your own mannequin? It surely hurts sometimes with those needles that get accidentaly in your skin...
Anyway, I worked hard this vacation, and with all the money I received I finally decided to buy one.

I bought one before a couple of months ago. I could adjust this mannequin to my own size which I thought came in handy. But in the end I turned it back, since some parts of the mannequin were overlapping eachother, which shouldn't be the case when adjusting my size. It also looked really unstable, with just one blow it would fell on the floor. Not literally of course, but I guess you know what I mean right? So that's when I decided that it wasn't worth the money, and turned it back to the store.
This time I chose for a simple one, which was a lot cheaper as well. I'm happy to finally have one now, this will make it so much easier to make my costumes! I can't wait to try it for my Tohka cosplay! I'm still busy with that cosplay, is just seems endless. Also because it's the first time for me to use worbla. I still need to practice with that, but I'm sure I'll be doing fine. ^^
Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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