vrijdag 29 augustus 2014

Today's Look | Schoolgirl

Today was the first day of Abunai!2014. It was a long trip, which seemed even longer since I was really tired. When I looked back at my trips I made to Abunai! before, I thought that it wasn't going to be a good idea when I'll go as Tohka. So I decided to go as Tohka once I have my drivers license (which I hope is very soon!)

So, with all my creativity I thought that I could go as a schoolgirl. It would match the theme of Abunai! perfectly, since it's called 'Class Dismissed'. For this look I took the skirt that I made for my Asuna schooluniform, the shirt that I bought for MGC2012 and a white blouse (the shirt goes up once I start moving around)

So this is my look for today. For tomorrow I'll be going as Kirito from GGO! I didn't see that much people that cosplayed a character from SAO, but who knows how many there are tomorrow. ^^ All I know is that I'll be sitting in the train with Death Gun for 2 hours. I'm looking forward to it...not.

And by the way, I'm tired from waking up early and going to bed very late, so please don't mind my dark circles...(>.<)

Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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