zondag 28 april 2013

Look of the Week 17| Put that Jacket on!

Hey everyone!

OMO! I really like the weather! Okay, sometimes it is still raining, but don't be so pessimistic. The birds are singing, sun is shining, and people seem to be more happy than before. :)

And that's when I decided to put my denim jacket on. It's not superwarm, so I wouldn't recommend to go outside with just a t-shirt, unless you're not scared to get sick haha. I got one of my favourite shirts on, which matches just nice with this jacket. I wanted to keep it simple, so I went for my grey jeans and my lovely black flat shoes. This way it doesn't have too much color, but also not to little because of the denim jacket and the yellow prints on my shirt.

I think that, when I putted my normal denim jeans or my yellow jeans on, it wouldn't match. Or too much denim or too much yellow, because there are also yellow details on the shirt. Well, when I putted on my yellow jeans I actually would be a daredevil, just as my LOTW 12. But I decided to be less recognizable this time. I think the denim jacket made it fun enough this time ;).

Hope you liked it and stay tuned for more blogs!

Li Hao

Denim Jacket - QS (S.Oliver)
Shirt - Garcia
Jeans - Criminal Damage
Shoes - Atmosphere

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