woensdag 24 april 2013

Asiagoodies | Duck Hat

Hey everyone!
Today's Asiagoodies post is about my only hat that I have. I'm not a hatperson, nor that I actually like hats?!? But I saw this one at kpoptown.com a while ago and I thought this one was pretty cool.

I used to go to that site quite often, but since I found out Ebay sells a lot more that I like, I just don't search on that site anymore. This was even the first thing I ever purchased there. And now I told you that I don't like hats, why did I bought it? Well, I like kpop and everything that has to do with it! And, the site said that this was a replica of a hat, which was worn by one of the Kpop stars, by Gi Kwang if I remember correctly. They don't sell it anymore.

So I like rare things, and this is defenitely something that is rare to me. You won't see that here in the Netherlands, while in Asia they have all kinds of hats like that. And of course, they sell more awesome stuff that is impossible to find here in Europe...I should move to Asia.

Hope you liked it, and stay tuned! :)
Li Hao

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