maandag 15 april 2013

Look of the Week 15 | Kawaii Style

Hey everyone!

remember my first New In? I totally love this blouse so it is also in my Look of the Week. The weather is getting better, and I wanna do my sunny-dance with it, with my spring clothes. It felt like ages ago since I felt the warmth of the sun.

Anyway, I named this Kawaii Style because it looks a bit japanese style to me. Cute flats, simple jeans(a skirt would be even better!), my cute blouse and my thin vest from Asia.

I like the buttons on the vest, it looks great closed and open. It also combines nice with the collar. This way it looks like one piece, it's really nice.

I wanted to keep it simple with soft colors, and I decided not to wear a regular blue jeans. I thought that it would ruin the softness of this look. So I took my white jeans I bought a couple of weeks ago, which you could already see in my LOTW some weeks ago.

And last, I took my flats. These are so awesome! Unless there is snow outside...or it rains... But if this doesn't, these are awesome! Also great to take with you when you wear Lady Gaga-stiletto's. And by the way, I try to be more creative with my hair, you like it?

This was it for this week, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned!

Li Hao

Vest - This one doesn't have a brand, uggh you ebay stored :')
Blouse- Atmosphere
Jeans - Denim Co
Shoes - Atmosphere

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