dinsdag 9 april 2013

Look of the Week 14 | Blended in

Hey everyone!

first of all: I DISLIKE STUDYWEEKS! Every.single.time. I want to post things on my blog, study ruins it. I really should make a schedule to get it all right. I began writing this blog, so let's pretend as if this was posted last week shall we? ;)

Anyway, about last week: I was looking outside and though: yay, spring is coming! So I decided to wear t-shirts. But I was wrong. As soon as I went outside I turned into an icecube, really. I went back and actually didn't like to dress myself again, so I picked some easy, comfy clothing and here are the results!

This weeks look is boring, because I should be a nerd since next week I have tests again. And I'm not the kind of person that really wants to look good, even when I stay at home. Here I wear my shirt I got from Ebay, where I also made a post about. For the link, Click Here. This shirt is not superwarm so I wear a simple t-shirt underneath. I also wear my simple skinny jeans, these are just so comfy!! I can combinate this jeans with everything, which saves me a lot of time when I don't know what will and what won't look good.

And, since I'm getting more used to my heels, I decided to wear them more, even now! I like my sneakerheels, and definitely want to buy more! If I only had the money...But I try to wear these more often, even if it is only to practice inside. I like the brown camouflage colour and the details, and last but not least: They are easy to walk with, since it is not a stilleto where you have to find your balance on.

I know, I know, it is short, but I'm out of words. I really don't know what I can say more. As I told you, this look is kinda boring so it doesn't need that much to say right?

PS: What do you think of my hair?? I was bored that day, because my mind was all about studying. So when I took a break I braided my hair in a half-french braid to the back. You like it?

Hope you liked this blog, and stay tuned!

Li Hao

Shirt - [no brand]
Jeans - Fishbone
Shoes - A

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