zaterdag 27 april 2013

New In | Birdy Jumpsuit

Hey everyone!
Another New In. The last couple of days seem pretty nice, so why not shopping fos summer? And I bought this: A cute short jumpsuit with birds. Isn't it cute? I really like birds, I even have 2 lovebirds my own. Well, one of them is not so cute actually... but nevermind!

The brand is Atmosphere (wow, cliché) and I really like all of it. The collar with the strings, the bird-pattern, the fabric. It feels really soft on the skin. I also like the fit of it. It is loose at the top and bottom, but it's tight in the middle. This gives it the feminine posture.This also gently covers the bigger lady-parts ;)

I also like that the pants is loose, that makes it great for summer! I like tight shorts, but I think they did a good job by not making them tight.

So this was my New In for this week, hope you enjoyed!

Li Hao

3 opmerkingen:

Lisa 13 zei

Leuk Lilian :D Hopelijk kan je 'm snel aan! xx

Unknown zei

Dankje! Ik hoop het ook, als het nou nog ietsjes warmer wordt haha xx

Anoniem zei

Nice Birdy Jumpsuit, Lilian.