donderdag 31 oktober 2013

One Ok Rock Concert 29th October 2013

It's two days ago since the concert, but I still can feel the adrenaline rushing through my body. This was a totally different concert than the concert of  Jay Park. I'm glad that there was enough space, so I was able to dance. And I was not the only who liked to dance! The whole crowd went crazy, that was really cool to see.

When I arrived, the queue was way longer than I expected. I was even wondering if all those people would fit in the same place! And, it was extremely cold (at least when you wore my outfit). It seems hours that I was standing there with my friend. Later than expected, we were able to get inside. The wardrobe was very busy, so me and my friend just ran off to the concertroom to get a good place. As I said before, there was enough space, so I just dropped my coat on the floor.

The concert should began at 8 o'clock, but not everybody was inside yet. So we had to wait for another twenty minutes, but I was so excited that time was going by very slow. Normally for me, time flies. And so did the concert itself.

It was fun to see how One Ok Rock connected theirselves with their fans. They said countless times how much they thanked us for coming, and that they will get back to Amsterdam again. Their music was awesome, but maybe too loud. I didn't hear much the day after. Still, that was totally worth it!

I also wanted to film a couple of songs, but I was having so much fun that only the video above turned out 'good'. I really wanted to film their song 'The Beginning', because it is my favourite song. I didn't even dance, and that's hard for me when I'm having such a good time. But, somewhere in the middle, my phone stopped filming, just out of nowhere. So I don't have the whole video of that song :(

They played songs I actually never heard, but which are now my favourites. This concert Rocked! And not just a little bit haha. I'm still thinking 'Wow', I just cannot get this concert out of my mind. And I don't want to, it was too awesome, just like Jay Park's concert last month. I really hope there will be given more Korean en Japanese concerts, I can't get enough of them.

Li Hao

woensdag 30 oktober 2013

MGC deallerroom + my purchase

look at all those cute Nigiri's!!

It's already four days ago that I went to Utrecht, where the convention took place. I'm glad that I make films about conventions, so that the memory stays close. And also that I can buy stuff, also a way to let the memories stay. Whenever I see my cute nigiri pluche, I get happy.

I like to buy cuddly toys, but I love to get them! Yes, I might be too old for them, but I just cannot get rid of the desire to have them. I like everything cute, and once I see this I am not able to resist. So that was a hard time in the deallerroom: There was a lot I had to resist. There were a lot of cuddly toys around there.

What I also saw a couple of times, were figurinestands. I'm not a fan of figurines, but it is cool to see how gorgeous they look though. What I also found amazing were all the swords! I really want to have one of Asuna, but for now I can't afford one. I hope I can buy one in the future, and perhaps make the original costume myself!

Something else I also really wanna have, is rilakkuma. Of course, I have a lot already, but you can say I'm addicted. Every little thing I see of Kuma, is a musthave for my bedroom. I. Want. It. All!! Sp yes, it wasn't easy to just come back with one cuddly toy. What I did miss though was the K-pop stand. I always see them at every convention. There also was one last year! But this time, there wasn't. Or else I would repeat my habit and buy a kpop-poster (probably 2ne1).

This was it, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned!

My nigiri sushi <3
Li Hao
PS: One Ok Rock yesterday was awesome!!!

dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

This Day's outfit: Black Stockings, J-style

When I'm typing this, I'm already on my way to Amsterdam, where I will be face to face with Jrockband OneOkRock. I imagined my look for this day months ago. And today, I'm wearing it! Something I see as a typical japanese fashionstyle, are the stockings. I see them a lot of times with highschool uniforms (or at least that's what they show in anime's), and with the Lolita-style you can't be missing them too.

And wearing my stocks, brings me a little closer to the japanese culture. I like to wear something special at every event. I mean, who would wear pyjama's when you're going a night out? Not me haha. Unless my night out is in bed, which isn't actually 'out'. Nevermind!

What I like to wear with my stockings, is a short skirt. Of course, not too short, nor too tight. Just the way I'm wearing it now, is perfect for me. And the belt I'm wearing is attached to this skirt! Isn't that awesome? I like it when studs gives the clothing a touch. The belt makes the skirt complete, it makes the whole outfit complete!

So, what do you think?

Since I don't just want to wear black, I also wear a white shirt. I hoped for a little more colour, but I wasn't able to find something like that. I don't want the figuration to be cut off by the skirt, so the this shirt did a great job with the text. It has a little red too, so it has some colour!

I like this combination of clothing, but to finish the outfit, I wear these tough boots. These are my favourite boots. They are waterproof and supercomfortable to wear. And since I will be standing for the next couple of hours, or even dance, these come in handy.

Hope you liked it, stay tuned!
Studs! <3
Li Hao

Shirt - Bershka
Skirt + Belt- H&M
Stockings - H&M
Shoes - Dr. Martens

maandag 28 oktober 2013

MGC Experience 2013!

At October 26th, an other convention arrived called MGC. As you all know, I love conventions! Doesn't matter how big or small they are, it's just a must for me to visit. And also this time. MGC is one of the smaller conventions, when you compare it with conventions like Abunai or Animecon. But that doesn't matter, I enjoyed myself every minute that day. I also went last year. To watch that post, click here!

Compared to last year, MGC grew a lot! There were a lot more people, at least in my eyes. So I hope that the convention is going to be elsewhere, at a place with some more space. Besides the amount of people, people were very friendly. Some even twerked in front of my camera! That's what makes conventions so lovely. It's way easier to talk to people here, than in general. At least for me. Everybody is so friendly, and it's easy to make new friends.

Unfortunaly I wasn't able to stay long, since I also had to work that day. But for the time being there, I had an amazing time. I can't wait for Nishicon to arrive!! And, normally I like to be unique with my cosplay. Of course, this isn't always the case. But this time, I enjoyed myself being one of the fifty pikachu's around there. This pikachu costume is the first costume I ever got, but never wore (besides sleeping hihi).

The place was the same as last year. But it was a bit to crowded for me this year.As I said before, I hope they will choose a bigger location next year. Even all the tickets were sold! I like to see a small convention grow so fast. Lucky me I bought tickets way before MGC, just to be sure I was able to go to the convention. I don't like missing conventions!!! You can almost say I'm a bit addicted haha.

Anyway, I will post stuff about the deallerroom in another post. I didn't bought anything, but my boyfriend was so sweet enough to buy me a cute, little, cuddly toy. And I like to talk about stuff they sell, so I better tell you that in a different post.

My pikachu outfit!!
And last but not least: tomorrow is a concert I'm going to. I will show you tomorrow what my outfit will be! It is a Jrock band, called OneOkRock. You should check that out!

Li Hao

vrijdag 25 oktober 2013

EatYourKimchi Amsterdam fanmeet video

It took much longer than I thought, but you know what they say: better late than never! So, here it is!! I'm working with a new program, that's why it took so long. And, it was a bit frustrating that the videos that have been made, do not have the quality I'm used to. Normally I film with a professional camera, but that wasn't allowed...

Anyway, the groupphoto's also came online!! At one photo you cannot even see me, but at this on you do. And yes, I have a weird face! (at least on this picture) But that doesn't matter anyway. Every time I watch this video or look at the pics, or even watch Simon and Martina's own video about this fanmeet, I get a warm feeling inside. I really hope that I have the opportunity to see them once more, to get their autograph and perhaps make an even better picture!
this was the 'normal' photo, look how crazy we are!

Tomorrow is MGC Experience, and I'm really excited!! Now I understand this new program I use for editing a bit more, so I guess that the video I'll make is going to be posted this sunday. Stay tuned!!
To check out MGC Experience last year, click here.

Li Hao

donderdag 17 oktober 2013

Simon and Martina's hugs are the best! - Eat Your Kimchi Fanmeet 15 Oct 2013

Yesterday was the fanmeeting, and it was awesome! Not only did I get the chance to sit in the front of the second rank, everybody also got the chance to hug them! I really like the way Simon and Martina are, they are so close with their fans!! I even started a little chat with Martina, she is so nice! And Simon thanked us a thousand times for coming haha.

It all started at 3 pm. Me and my friends just arrived at Amsterdam Central station, and were heading to the Comedy Theater. That was like, 15 minute walk? Not that long, but the rain screwed it up. When we arrived, there were just a couple other nasties, and we had to wait for another two hours before we could entry the building.

There was a first rank row and a second rank row, and me and my friends got second rank. The first rank was sold out in no time, even with all the errors on the site. I think I still got lucky that I actually was able to buy these tickets. Standing for almost two hours, with lots of rain, the doors opened. BOOYA! That was about time haha.

The first thing I noticed was that the theatre was quite small. We were able to get as much at the front as possible with a second rank ticket, and even there you had little space. It was hard to go to the toilet, or just to have a whole chair for yourself.

But finally, when everybody settled down, Simon and Martina came up! First there was a Q&A. Some of us had the chance to ask them questions and they would answer. Then, there was a little suprise. If you were lucky you would find a note beneath your chair, and Martino or Simon would give you a little present. So sweet!! But the most fun part were the challenges. There was a wheel Simon and Martina had to spin, and when it ended on a category they could do 'challenge' or 'multiple choice question'.

And that was so much fun! The most times they did a challenge, and in the end the audience could decide the category! I never laughed so hard in my life! They had to dance, invent their own kpopband, had to do typical dutch games and more! Especially Martina was funny to watch.

And in the end, just 80 minutes later, it was time to take pictures! Every row (that's about 15 people) could take two pictures with them: A 'normal' one and a crazy one. And, you were able to hug them and chat a little. As soon as I got my picture I will post it in an other blog. And I will upload a little video about the meeting! So you guys can get an idea about this awesome meeting.

See you soon!
Li Hao

maandag 14 oktober 2013

Asian Market 2013

Last weekend there was an Asian Market nearby, so I couldn't allow me to stay at home. It was the first time I've visited a market like this. And it was not what I've expected, but it still was quite fun. The first time I arrived, it was still closed. How should I know they opened at 1:00 pm when I couldn't find anything on that site? So, I went back home and waited, so I'll be right on time when I would leave for a second time.

And yes, I arrived at 1.30 pm. My first impression, the bad smell. Luckly they also had some foodstands to the delicious smell of Indonesion food blew the bad smell away. Kinda. I didn't bought anything, since there wasn't something I really wanted. Yes, I wanted a Kimono so bad, but couldn't afford it :(. It was nice, to be there. It really felt like I was in an other country.

There were a lot of different stands. Some sold clothing, others sold religion things such as Buddha's or Lucky Cats, there was also a stand which sold some cute stuff (I liked that one the most!), there was a stand which sold all kinds of asianmusic, and as I said before, there were foodstands. I loved the foodstands.

As soon as I got by a foodstand, I started to get hungry. When I saw people with food on their plate, I got even hungrier! At the end, I was strong enough not to buy any food. Because in the evening I would go out with dinner with my family. At an Indonesian restaurant. That made this day full of asianstuff complete.

I see you next time!
Li Hao

zondag 13 oktober 2013

Eat Your Kimchi in Amsterdam! - 2 days left

It is already more than a month ago since I got my EYK tickets!! And now, there are only two days left! It's the same with Jay Park, things are going to fast. But at the same time, it can't go fast enough! At the 4th of September, I already made a blog(<- click here), about how exciting I was that I, in the very end, got the tickets!

And now I'm just hoping everything will be okay. Things are not going as smooth as I hoped for. Hallyucon says that we nasties can take pictures, but not with a professional camera. But I only have a professional I need to figure out what I shall do. To be honest, I disagree with that fact. The more pictures with good quality, the better right? At least that's what I think.

And, Simon and Martina have their own costumshirts, but they wouldn't arrive in time. I don't know what Hallyucon is going to do now, but I was really looking forward to buy a costumshirt as a memory of that day! I hope that the shirts are still available at some time, cause I wanna have one real bad!

Anyway, these two things are not letting me down. It will all work out at the 15th I guess. Just need to stay positive :)! The only thing that I'm really praying for is that it won't rain on tuesday. That would really suck! I still need to figure out what I'm going to wear, but I'm thinking of the Kuma-Hoodie and my purple Vans-shoes. I'll show you later in a post what I wore that day, because the professional-camera issue is not gonna hold me back from me making pics!

Li Hao

donderdag 10 oktober 2013

Fabric hunting with no money

It's that time again, that I have to think what I should wear for a cosplayconvention. There are two coming up: MGC Experience at 26th of October and Nishicon at 16th of November. For MGC, I already made up my mind. I will wear the first costume I ever got, but never wore before. Nishicon is a different story. I like to think about cosplay-outfits everyday, and so everyday I was thinking as whom I would cosplay at Nishicon. Finally, I made a decision. I would make the costume myself, since that is something that I LOVE to do haha.

Lucky me, a couple of days ago there was a fabric market! When I went searching for fabric for my Asuna Schooluniform, I also visited that market and found the perfect fabric. And this time, I also did. I was looking for some yellow fabric, since that was the only colour I needed. Half of my cosplay was bought already (without knowing I would use it for cosplay!), so I only needed some yellow fabric to make my outfit complete.

And as I said before, I found it! There were a lot of yellow fabrics, in different shades of yellow and different material, but there was one fabric that I just cannot take my eyes of. So I bought it. But, I forgot money. I had money, but not cash. And I needed to pay with cash...and there was not an atm nearby... help!

Finally, I did got the fabric I wanted. Me and my friend were searching through all our pockets to look for some cash, and at the end we were able to buy 1.20 meters of fabric. My goal was to buy 2 meters, but I hope that this will do as well. I think I would have enough fabric if I measure things precisely. I still have time till 16th November! So I guess this story will have a good ending anyways haha. But as whom I cosplay, will be a secret untill then hihi.

Hope you liked it!
Li Hao

maandag 7 oktober 2013

Review: Tsubaki Oil Shining Treatment with Tsubaki Oil EX

Since the weather changes all the time, my hair gets damaged. Lately my hair is dry and frizzy, and that's not only because I dyed it a couple of weeks ago. So now, I want to give my hair a special treatment, and this Tsubaki Oil by the japanese brand Shiseido is going to give that treatment to my hair.

The tube looks 'normal', it's not like all the kawaii stuff I'm used to haha. And since I can't read japanese, I decided to research what this treatment actually does for your hair. This treatment is like a condition. After washing your hair, you apply this product evenly and massage it into hair and scalp. After twenty minutes, you wash it out and condition as usual. At least that's what I found. But to be honest, I'm not the type to jump under the shower twice. So I use it as a leave-in daily haircare. And that works fine for me.

Tsubaki oil is actually camellia oil. The camellia oil comes from the flower Cammelia Japonica, which is Tsubaki in Japanese. And this special ingredient gives you the soft and shiny hair. But I don't know if that works for everyone. I use this treatment two or three times a week, and my hair looks and feels smoother. But only for a short period. After I washed my hair, it looks like my hair is the same as before. Week after week, my hair does look more healthier. But the results are not coming as fast as I want to. That's the only thing I have to complain though.

-Easy to use
-Has a nice, floral smell
-Handy tube
-Makes your hair shine and feel soft
-It's easier to comb your hair

-Does not give healthy,shiny results as fast as I want to.
-For me it's too expensive for what this product does.

Hope you liked it and stay tuned!
Li Hao

Product information
Name: Tsubaki Shining Oil Treatment with Tsubaki Oil EX by Shiseido
Volume: 70 gr
Description: Shiseido Tsubaki Shining Treatment containts concentraded pure Camellia oil which makes your hair healthy, elastic and shiniy. The repair ingredients helps to sensor damages on the hair. Your hair gets a shiny couting from depths of your hair. It has a camellia flower scent
Ingredients: Camellia oil, PA/MA Polymer, Pearls extracts, Honey extract
Hao to use: After shampooing your hair, massage this product into hair and scalp. Leave this for 20 minutes before washing out.