zondag 28 april 2013

Look of the Week 17| Put that Jacket on!

Hey everyone!

OMO! I really like the weather! Okay, sometimes it is still raining, but don't be so pessimistic. The birds are singing, sun is shining, and people seem to be more happy than before. :)

And that's when I decided to put my denim jacket on. It's not superwarm, so I wouldn't recommend to go outside with just a t-shirt, unless you're not scared to get sick haha. I got one of my favourite shirts on, which matches just nice with this jacket. I wanted to keep it simple, so I went for my grey jeans and my lovely black flat shoes. This way it doesn't have too much color, but also not to little because of the denim jacket and the yellow prints on my shirt.

I think that, when I putted my normal denim jeans or my yellow jeans on, it wouldn't match. Or too much denim or too much yellow, because there are also yellow details on the shirt. Well, when I putted on my yellow jeans I actually would be a daredevil, just as my LOTW 12. But I decided to be less recognizable this time. I think the denim jacket made it fun enough this time ;).

Hope you liked it and stay tuned for more blogs!

Li Hao

Denim Jacket - QS (S.Oliver)
Shirt - Garcia
Jeans - Criminal Damage
Shoes - Atmosphere

zaterdag 27 april 2013

New In | Birdy Jumpsuit

Hey everyone!
Another New In. The last couple of days seem pretty nice, so why not shopping fos summer? And I bought this: A cute short jumpsuit with birds. Isn't it cute? I really like birds, I even have 2 lovebirds my own. Well, one of them is not so cute actually... but nevermind!

The brand is Atmosphere (wow, cliché) and I really like all of it. The collar with the strings, the bird-pattern, the fabric. It feels really soft on the skin. I also like the fit of it. It is loose at the top and bottom, but it's tight in the middle. This gives it the feminine posture.This also gently covers the bigger lady-parts ;)

I also like that the pants is loose, that makes it great for summer! I like tight shorts, but I think they did a good job by not making them tight.

So this was my New In for this week, hope you enjoyed!

Li Hao

woensdag 24 april 2013

Asiagoodies | Duck Hat

Hey everyone!
Today's Asiagoodies post is about my only hat that I have. I'm not a hatperson, nor that I actually like hats?!? But I saw this one at kpoptown.com a while ago and I thought this one was pretty cool.

I used to go to that site quite often, but since I found out Ebay sells a lot more that I like, I just don't search on that site anymore. This was even the first thing I ever purchased there. And now I told you that I don't like hats, why did I bought it? Well, I like kpop and everything that has to do with it! And, the site said that this was a replica of a hat, which was worn by one of the Kpop stars, by Gi Kwang if I remember correctly. They don't sell it anymore.

So I like rare things, and this is defenitely something that is rare to me. You won't see that here in the Netherlands, while in Asia they have all kinds of hats like that. And of course, they sell more awesome stuff that is impossible to find here in Europe...I should move to Asia.

Hope you liked it, and stay tuned! :)
Li Hao

maandag 22 april 2013

Look of the Week 16 | Bow Jeans

Hey everyone!
I really love the sun, and lucky me it's shines a bit more everyday. And this week, it was absolutely a great week to show everybody my alltime favourite jeans.This jeans comes from Singapore, and I got it for almost one year from now.  I adore this jeans so much! I really like the bow ties, it's something you will never see here in the Netherlands.
Furthermore I decided to let the eye fall on the jeans, so the rest of the outfit is simple. It still is a bit windy sometimes, So I wear my leather jacket from Korea. It's really warm and I thought it was a great match with the jeans.  That also counts for my top and shoes. Since I didn't want to much colour I kept it with these basic colours. The shoes gives it an edgier look while the top is girly. In this way my look is balanced, but still an eyecatcher because of the jeans.

I hope you liked this weeks look, stay tuned!!

Li Hao

Top - Smash.
Jacket - G.
Jeans -[ no brand]
Shoes - Allstars

donderdag 18 april 2013

New In | Leopard Shoes

Hey everyone!

Another New In this week. Today, as I was walking by some stores, my eye got caught by these cute leopard shoes. I always wanted this kind of shoes. I like Vans, eventhough these are not Vans, but they look like it!

What caught my eye was the grey combined with the pink leopard. I think this is such a good combination. You can wear this with almost anything. It adds a cute, but also rocking vibe to your outfit. These are great for summer!

So, you can see these are great everyday shoes, at least when the sun shines bright! I'm really getting in the summer-mood, and all I can think of are dresses, hotpants, bikini's...just everything that has to do with summer! And also these shoes fit great in my summer-mood-items.

Since I just show you here what I bought and why, I try to keep it short, not as the first one :)
So I hope you liked it, and stay tuned!!

Li Hao

Brand: Atmosphere

maandag 15 april 2013

Look of the Week 15 | Kawaii Style

Hey everyone!

remember my first New In? I totally love this blouse so it is also in my Look of the Week. The weather is getting better, and I wanna do my sunny-dance with it, with my spring clothes. It felt like ages ago since I felt the warmth of the sun.

Anyway, I named this Kawaii Style because it looks a bit japanese style to me. Cute flats, simple jeans(a skirt would be even better!), my cute blouse and my thin vest from Asia.

I like the buttons on the vest, it looks great closed and open. It also combines nice with the collar. This way it looks like one piece, it's really nice.

I wanted to keep it simple with soft colors, and I decided not to wear a regular blue jeans. I thought that it would ruin the softness of this look. So I took my white jeans I bought a couple of weeks ago, which you could already see in my LOTW some weeks ago.

And last, I took my flats. These are so awesome! Unless there is snow outside...or it rains... But if this doesn't, these are awesome! Also great to take with you when you wear Lady Gaga-stiletto's. And by the way, I try to be more creative with my hair, you like it?

This was it for this week, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned!

Li Hao

Vest - This one doesn't have a brand, uggh you ebay stored :')
Blouse- Atmosphere
Jeans - Denim Co
Shoes - Atmosphere

donderdag 11 april 2013

New In | Cute 'Asianlike' blouse

Hey everyone!

I started a new topic! I thought it would be a good idea if I show you what kind of clothing and accesoires I buy (not that I ever buy accesoires but we'll never know). I want to upload posts about this topic everyweek, so everyweek you will see what things I got myself. :)
To start this new topic off, I want you to introduce you to my new, very favourtite blouse: TADA! It's really cute with the collar, the colour and the 'fringes'. It's supergirly!

When I walked into the store this really was the first thing that caught my eye. The cuteness just overwhelmed everything else. It also has white lace at the shoulders, which make me feel like this was definitely a must have.

When I see this, it reminds me of the asian fashion somehow. The color, texture and collar are things that remind me of the korean fashion, which I always see on ebay. This blouse is great for summer. It's loosefit, a bit see-through and, I can't say it enough times, supergirly.

The brand is Atmosphere, a brand which I buy often lately. I hope you enjoyed this new topic and stay tuned!

Li Hao

dinsdag 9 april 2013

Look of the Week 14 | Blended in

Hey everyone!

first of all: I DISLIKE STUDYWEEKS! Every.single.time. I want to post things on my blog, study ruins it. I really should make a schedule to get it all right. I began writing this blog, so let's pretend as if this was posted last week shall we? ;)

Anyway, about last week: I was looking outside and though: yay, spring is coming! So I decided to wear t-shirts. But I was wrong. As soon as I went outside I turned into an icecube, really. I went back and actually didn't like to dress myself again, so I picked some easy, comfy clothing and here are the results!

This weeks look is boring, because I should be a nerd since next week I have tests again. And I'm not the kind of person that really wants to look good, even when I stay at home. Here I wear my shirt I got from Ebay, where I also made a post about. For the link, Click Here. This shirt is not superwarm so I wear a simple t-shirt underneath. I also wear my simple skinny jeans, these are just so comfy!! I can combinate this jeans with everything, which saves me a lot of time when I don't know what will and what won't look good.

And, since I'm getting more used to my heels, I decided to wear them more, even now! I like my sneakerheels, and definitely want to buy more! If I only had the money...But I try to wear these more often, even if it is only to practice inside. I like the brown camouflage colour and the details, and last but not least: They are easy to walk with, since it is not a stilleto where you have to find your balance on.

I know, I know, it is short, but I'm out of words. I really don't know what I can say more. As I told you, this look is kinda boring so it doesn't need that much to say right?

PS: What do you think of my hair?? I was bored that day, because my mind was all about studying. So when I took a break I braided my hair in a half-french braid to the back. You like it?

Hope you liked this blog, and stay tuned!

Li Hao

Shirt - [no brand]
Jeans - Fishbone
Shoes - A

donderdag 4 april 2013

What I like | ISO Straightner

Hey everyone!

And here another 'What I like'. I'm still trying to search for things so I can do this every two weeks, but this girl here seems to like a lot, but can't talk about it. But for today, I would like to introduce you to my lovely straightener!

First of all, I had other straighteners before, and I noticed that this one from ISO is easy to work with. Okay, the others were way less expensive, but I decided to take something with higher quality. I also had an ISO before, but it broke because it slipped out of my hands. No worry, these ISO's have lifeguarantee!

My first one was a pink one, and when that broke I really wanted a new one!! So I went to Amstelveen a year ago from now, and there was a stand for ISO. Not only they sell straighetners, but also curling-irons, while the straighteners can curl as well :) And, not to forget, they have plenty designs. And my eye, got caught by this gorgeous pink design with snakes and panthers. I love it so much! Why go for a simple black iron when you could have it in pink? At least, that's what I think everytime I see something black and pink. I'm not a real girly-girl, but I can't help but loving this colour.

Anyway, so I have this one for over a year now, and I'm still happy! What I like is that it only takes one minute to heat up, and there is also a heat button so you can set how hot you want to have it. It also is really easy to use, most of the time you can get your hair straight in one time.

But, as I said before, it can not only straighten your hair. What I like to do sometimes is to create loose Korean waves, and when my hair accepts it, I can make curls. Since my hair is damaged because of dying it so much, the curling-thing doesn't always work out, but that's also because I have long and heavy hair. Korean waves will do with my hair, but after a time this also gets more loose when I'm outside, even when I use hairspray.

Furthermore, it depends on your hair, but ISO can really do it! Sometimes it takes some time, but the result is awesome!

So here are my likes/dislikes

-They are in many variations.
- You have lifeguarantee!
- You are able to set the heat as warm as you want, on MOST of the ISO's, not all.
- They are easy-going with hair, you don't have to pull your hair out for it.

- It is pretty expensive (to me). This one cost 150 euro's, and the cheapest one is 90 euro's.
- You have to be careful. When I dropped mine the ceramics were broken, while it actually shouldn't.

Well, that's it for this blog. Hope you liked it and stay tuned!


Li Hao

maandag 1 april 2013

Look of the Week 13 | Feminine Spring

Hey everyone!

It finally gets a bit more sunny every day here, which gives me a great opportunity to wear some cute clothing without worrying if it is winterproof. So, for this week I wear one of my favourite blazers and simple flats.

To start off, I didn't know what I could combine with this blouse. As told in THIS post, I couldn't find my way out back then. But I think I did now. I figured out that it you can just wear a simple black tanktop underneath, since it is half-transparent. I also like the way this simple white-black blouse is combined with the colourful blazer. It looks cute, feminine and fresh.

Furthermore I wear my bleached jeans. This jeans is quite thin, and with this weather I still were my leggings underneath sometimes. But hey, now one knows! I think this jeans combines really good with the other items, because this jeans is printed and the rest is self-coloured. This gives the outfit a playful look. And last but not least, the shoes. I didn't want to make it to outstanding, but also not boring.

So to make this look complete, I walked on this new flats I bought a couple of weeks ago. There are so handy! You can take them with you in your back when you're out, and not sure if you could walk on those stiletto's all night long. They don't need much space.

Hope you liked this look of the week, I'll be posting more so stay tuned! :)


Li Hao

Blazer - Atmosphere
Blouse - Amisu
Jeans - Criminal Damage
Flats - Atmosphere