maandag 4 maart 2013

Look of the Week 9 | Color Clouds

Hey everyone!

Test-week is finally over, yay! The week started with dark clouds but ended up colourful! I like to wear colours but last couple days I'm just not in to it, probably because it was such a stressful week.

So for this weeks look I wear a lot of dark colours, but pimped it up with one of my favourite clothing-items: Jacket.
My Dr. Martens are my favourite boots at the moment, I almost wear them everyday because they are waterproof and easy to walk. You also know my grey pants with print which I wore at my LOTW2, and I also like this pants very much.

But I do not wear that t-shirt a lot, what also count for my jacket. I find it hard to combine this jacket eventhough I like the fabric and colour a lot. And to be honest, I totally forgot I had this shirt. I thought I throwed it away with my other old clothing-items, but apparently not it seems. :)

This is a short LOTW, it's simple, casual, and can be worn everyday. The jacket is amazing because of the fabric and can also be worn at events. The boots make it more edgy while the t-shirt shines it up with its tiny glams.

Hope you liked my look of this week. Stay tuned!

Li Hao

T-shirt: Only
Jacket: Demm
Jeans: Wonder Denim
Shoes: Dr. Martens

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