maandag 11 maart 2013

One year of Li Hao | Anniversary! :D

Hey everyone!

Today it is exactly one year ago when I introduced myself here at blogspot. Can't believe time goes incredibly fast. As I was looking back on my blog today I think I made progress. In the beginning my blog wasn't stable and now I try to give my blog more grip with, for example, my LOTW. I also want to do more DIY and all the things I like and what comes from Asia.
Last year, I didn't do many blogs because I was still trying to know how blogger works. Still, even today I don't know how it works completely but I can make my way through it.

What is really catching for me are all the blogs with my experiences. Like Cosplayconventions, hunting for fabric for my first outfit(too bad I lost all little pieces of film because my laptop crashed.....) and my first shoplog about Huishoudbeurs.  I also try to let you see what I kind of outfits I like to wear and what kind of hairstyles go well with special events.

I'm really excited to go on with my blog, and hope I can put even more effort in it besides my school and other must-do's in my life. Eventhough I'm still camera-shy I hope to do some tutorials and shoplogs on youtube to show you guys something more about me!

Since this blog Li Hao excists for one year, I want to let you guys know what I want to do with my blog this year:

Look of the Week. It already excists but is is something that came up with the start of 2013, and it really is something I will not quit, even I am late sometimes (a).

What I Like: Here I want to show you some more stuff I like, get it more personal. Of course I am also going to give the pro's and cons ( I already did one but want to do this every two weeks)

Asiagoodies: As you probably know I'm a huge fan of all the things I see on ebay or what I see on others sites that I must have! This looks like my 'What I Like' , but it is only about asia-stuff. From outfits to candy to games, whatever I bought online from Asia!

Shoplog: This is also something I already did once, but I like to show you what I bought and what I think about it. Not only about clothing, but also other things like food. ( I like food!)

And last but not least, DIY: I want to do more with making videos and some DIY videos are a great start. It also would be great if I get suggestions, I really like it when people come with ideas! :)

So one year of Li Hao, and I hope there will follow many more! This is definitely something to stay tuned haha. And PS: I'm also going to re-do my layout this week so hope you guys like it! :)


Li Hao

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