woensdag 27 maart 2013

Labyrinth of Fabric | Cosplaymaterial Searching

Hey everyone!

As I already told you in the last post, last sunday I went to an expo full of fabric. Really, All you saw was fabric, zippers, buttons, and more fabric.  Why I was there? Well, since I am a huge fan of cosplay but have a budget to spend on costumes, I made them myself. Since people really liked my selfmade costumes of Park Bom and Asuna, I'm really inspired to do more.

Also this time, I want to make a costume for my favourite character of the moment, Asuna from Sword Art Online. And not the original fighers costume or the Alfheim costume I made before. No, I want to make the schooluniform which you only see in the last episode. The next Cosplayconvention I'm going to is Animecon, so I have plenty of time this time to make things work.

So when my friend and I walked in this expo, we didn't know where to start. It was pretty big and they had all sorts of fabric. With only 30 euros in my pocket, I had to search for what I need. And it felt like searching for a needle in a haysack...

We saw many things, many colors, but everytime it just didn't seem to be 'it'. We were there for an hour, and still couldn't find anything. Then the color didn't match, the fabric was wrong, or there was some print on it. It just wasn't our day. And when our hope got lost in this labyrinth, we went home.

My perfect fabric!! :D
But that's not it. As we walked back, something catched my eye. The right color!! So I was looking at my friend and he thought exactly the same. To be sure, he googled a photo of the outfit and I couldn't believe it: it was the right color! And as I touched this fabric, I was like, in heaven? I was so happy that it all matched together. This is the fabric I wanted. This is the fabric I needed. And now, I have it at home, wondering where I actually put it. Just kidding ;)

At the end of this adventure, I found my fabric. It took a lot of time, a lot of 'uggghs' and a lot of sad faces that it wasn't perfect, but I found it. The perfect fabric for my costume, and now I can begin!

Hope you enjoyed this blog, and stay tuned!

Li Hao

The schooluniform

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