maandag 21 juli 2014

Tamago Nigiri Cosplay Pillowcase

Yesterday I went to Moshi Moshi, a Japanconvention held at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. I wanted to make a simple cosplay, so I decided to make a pillowcase for my sushi outfit. This is the most simple thing I've ever made, and it only took a few hours.

I started to make my omelet, by sewing the yellow fabric in the shape of a pillow. Therefore I used a regular pillowcase, took the measurements and made one my own. Then, I made a zipper in it, just to be a 100% sure that the pillow couldn't get out.
The fabric.
Sewing the fabric.
The zipper!
Then, I attached my seaweed (aka black fabric and a streched waistband). With the fabric I went over the pillowcase, and I secured the streched waistband on both sides. I attached velcro on my waistband, so I could attach it around my waist.
The waistband.
Velcro added to the waistband
Giving my omelet some seaweed :P
my pillowcase! ^.^
At the end, when the pillow was already in the pillowcase, I sewed the edges down, for the more 'round tamago' look instead of a pillowcase.

That's about it!
Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned,
Li Hao

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