dinsdag 22 juli 2014

Moshi Moshi 2014 | My Purchases

Of course I can't get home from a convention without any purchases! This convention was a small one for me, but they sure had enough things for me to find that I like! I just bought a couple of things, to save money so I can buy many things on Abunaicon! This year, I'm going friday AND saturday to Abunaicon. I'm really excited for that, since it's the first time I'll join a convention for multiple days.

But anyways, let's talk about my purchases. Normally I would go to the MostCutest.nl stand to buy some snacks, but I didn't do it for the last couple of conventions. I felt so bad about it, and I really missed the snacks they sell! So this time, I couldn't pass them by without buying anything. I bought two things, both with the same panda on it. I love panda's! I mean, who could resist them? They're just so cute! I bought the green tea cookies and a DIY choco cookie kit. I've never had a green tea flavored cookie before and I must say that it tastes quite good. I still have to try out the choco cookie kit after I've done with my Hatsune Miku project. It looks so cute and funny that I can't wait to try out!
Kabaya Sakusaku Panda DIY choco cookie kit,
Kabaya Panda cookies green tea
 The other things I bought, were four posters. There was a stand (I don't know the name) which sells a lot of anime posters. I also saw them at Animecon, where I bought my Mikasa poster. They had a special offer if you bought four posters, so I thought why not? I want to have my wall full of anime/manga drawing posters, so it's not a white, boring wall to look at when I walk into my room. Unconsciously I bought only posters with girls on it. All of my posters are with girls/women, I don't know why (>.<) 
Shiro(no game no life), Erza (Fairy Tale),
Asuna(Sword Art Online), Hatsune Miku
My wall with my posters so far ^.^
 Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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