zondag 1 september 2013

Tony Moly Tony Tint mini Cherry Review

Recently I have sort of a Ebay-addict, and this is also one of the items I bought lately. Tony Moly is a Korean beauty and health brand, and quite popular. I bought this little cherry-colored liptint to try. These tint-miniatures are used for a lip-bitten result.

The first thing I noticed when I got this package, was the fact that these Tony Tints are really mini. This is some item that could get lost in my purse instantly. When I opened the small bottle, I saw that the applier is the same as with gloss. But, the substance is way different than lipgloss.

The substance is really strong colored, and also a very thin liquid. It feels really strange for the first time when I put it on my lips. This way I was a bit afraid that it would come into my mouth, or that I would lick it of easily. The smell of this liptint is also very strong, but it doesn't have a fresh or fruity smell, like many other make-up sorts have.

What I like about Tony Tint, is that you don't need a lot for your lips. I also noticed, that it stays long on my skin(I tried it on my hand and watched the color during the day), and the fact that, if I use lipbalm or vasaline, it would blend easy on my lips, which gives it a more natural look.

Doesn't that Cherry color look nice?!?
What I do not like, is the substance itself. If you don't squeeze the apply-brush with the edge of the bottel, you probably will drop some of the liptint, which could mess it up. Whenever it is your shirt or you apply too much on your lips, both are disturbing.

Stay tuned!!
Li Hao

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