donderdag 5 september 2013

Rilakkuma Handbag

Meet my favourite bag of the moment: My Rilakkuma handbag! I got it for a couple of months now, and I still love it so much. It's a cute, easy handbag and great for a day out. I also like the attention from people, when they say that this bag is so cute and that they love it too! Where I live, you don't see bags like that, so you could say this one is unique haha.

The fabric feels soft, which is a pro that this bag is my favourite. since it is easy to bring with almost everything. If you go out shopping, or for dinner, or you have a sleepover, etc. The bag doesn't look big, but I was suprised by how much stuff you can actually put in there.

The zippers
There are two zippers, one on top and one near the Kuma-face. The zipper on the top lead you to the biggest space. Here you can put the larger things, such as books or clothes. There are also two little pockets for your phone or keys etc. The frontpart, the Kuma-head, is small. Here you can put things with less volume, more like little cards or other flat things.

Even the inside looks cute with the white dots!
Anyway, I'm very happy with my bag, and if I can I'll bring it everywhere with me. And now, I have something that maches my phone! Isn't that 'Kawaii'?

Blog you next time!
Li Hao

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