zaterdag 28 september 2013

Jay Park First European Concert Tour 25th September 2013 Netherlands

It's been already three days since I saw Jay Park in real life. Three days, and I still cannot imagine this actually happened! Did I enjoy it? Sure I did! This concert was amazing! I don't go to concerts that much, but this one was really awesome! My legs still hurt and I'm very tired, but it was all worth it!

Jay Park also had a supporting act, by the rookie boyband Victor. I've never heard of them before, but since the concert, you can say I love them. And that's not just because some of them showed their sexy and muscular body haha. And I don't know what it is, but I can't find some of their songs back on the internet. Anyway, I loved their performance, it surely gave me a adrenalinboost. And that's just what I needed for Jay Park.

It took a while, but finally Jay Park came up. This was the moment that I, and many others, have been waiting for. And when he got up on stage, everybody went crazy and screamed for their lives! Really, that was awesome. I liked the show a lot. Too bad I didn't bring my camera with me. So the films I've made and the pictures I've taken, are not high quality. But you can still see Jay Park went shirtless! That was the most shocking, but at the same time amazing, part. I've never seen that before! But it's not that the fans didn't like that part...hehe.

All in all, this was the most amazing concert I've had in years, and that's not because it was the only concert I've been to the for the last two years. I liked the amazing audience, the songs, the stageperformance and the supporting act. Everything fitted in perfectly. My night, was completed.
I'm not sure if I should make a little compilation of all the films that I've made, but who knows.
Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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