zondag 6 januari 2013

Look of the week 1 | New Year's night sky

Hey everyone!

First I wish you all the best for 2013! It's a new year, new start, new ideas, and I'm ready for it! So this is my first blog of the year, and I wanted to do something new. Every week I post an outfit I wore in that week, which I liked the most, to give you an idea of my style :) . This is the first one, and since we celebrated New Year this week, I thought it would be awesome to show you guys my outfit.

To explain the title: When we go out it is most of the time dark right? And I always got that feeling, dark blue and little stars in the sky, I really love it! So I wore dark blue jeans with a blue jacket, paired with some boots with studs. So the jeans and jacket represent the sky, and the boots the stars. At least, that's how I see it haha. And then I was thinking, I want to rock the night! So I got a fancy white t-shirt with black and pink. And since my jacket has a leopard print at the inside, I roll it up once so it's shown.

This look is really easy, and will look great with some black or silver accesoires, but I don't wear accesoires at all so I actually missed out. But i think this look don't really need accesoires. Maybe a necklace or a ring, but that's it, or else it will get to much of it.

I know this was quite a short one, and I hope I'll get better at it, still, blogspot doesn't seem to work well with me.

Jacket: Necessary
T-shirt: Large.nl
Jeans: New Yorker
Boots: Ziengs


Li Hao

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