donderdag 24 januari 2013

DIY | Hairstyles for Valentine's day

Hey everyone!

Valentine's day is already in three weeks! I know not everyone 'celebrates' this(like me :P) but there are many people who do! Going out for diner or having a picknick outside, no matter what we do, we want to make it perfect! Just as perfect as our hair will be that day. So for the one's who want to celebrate this with their lover or go on a date with someone they like, stay tuned because I'm showing some cute and awesome hairstyles!

As always, you can click on the name of the hairstyle to watch a tutorial. :)


So this first hairstyle is really cute and simple! It's just a ponytail, but there's a bow added. Isn't that cute? This hairstyle is great if you wanna add something extra to your hairstyle. It's not difficult, but gives you an amazing result!


This hairstyle is great for long hair! And it doens't take ages for this adorable hairstyle., Only thing you need are two braids, and tie them together on the back of your head. That's really it! You also have the choice to leave your hair straight, make them wavy or curl them. An easy hairstyle with lots of different creations you can add. :)


  Glamorous curls, who doesn't want them? Lucky you if you have beautiful girls of yourself! This one is easy-peasy, just like the others (is that a word?). Also, it's again up to you how you want them! Loose curls, beachy waves or you wanna go for the ringlets?


This look is special, yet simple. It might take some time before you can do it perfectly, but it is definitely worth it! For the rest of your hair it's up to you! Do you want it straight or curly? Be as creative as you like. Also, you can decide yourself where you want this flowers to be. Only one, two, or you want it all over your head? So many ways to make such an incredible look right?


This one is definitely the hardest! If you want something unique, this is the look for you! It's great for events such as Valentine's Day, or just any other romantic event. It looks so adorable! I tried myself already but..I failed. This really needs patience and a lot of practice! But the result is amazing. The most important part is that you can separate your hair well. If that's so, it makes it a lot easier :D

So this was my DIY on hairstyles. I hope you liked it! For comments, questions and tips, please comment me below :)


Li Hao



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