zondag 2 juni 2013

Look of the Week 22 | SAO schooluniform

Hey everyone!

As some of you followed my costume made, this is also my LOTW. Yesterday I went to Animecon and my and my friend were like: let's make costumes our own! Asuna and Kirito from SAO are really popular, so if you go as them you're sure not the only one.

Most of the people I see are in the SAO game uniform, and some in the ALO uniform, which I also wore at Tsunacon. Since we like those characters, but don't want to be that mainstream, we decided to make the schooluniform which they wear in reallife.

Here you can see how my costume is. I wanted to do a Part 3 about the costume, but I the costume was done saturday, the day I went. It's not a big deal what I did. I sewed the collar on and I attached the buttons and the white stripes. That is basically it! Doesn't seem much, but it costed a lot of time! I think the result is at least OK for an amateur like me :) What do you think?

The blouse, maillot and shoes were bought, rest is selfmade. The total for this costume was 42,85 euros. This is way cheaper than the prices on ebay, which are between 65 and 90 dollars excluding shipping. My costume may not be that perfect, but it was fun to do!  I'm very proud of myself that I did it!

I hope to upload a video about Animecon tomorrow, so you can see what is is like! I really enjoyed it, it was the biggest convention I've ever gone to.
See you soon and stay tuned!

Li Hao

Jacket - Selfmade
Blouse - Wibra
Skirt - Selfmade
Maillot - V&D
Shoes - Atmosphere

4 opmerkingen:

Lisa 13 zei

Wat knap dat je dat zelf gemaakt hebt!! xx

Unknown zei

Dankjewel!! ^^

Laura. zei

I love it!

Unknown zei

Thank you!