zondag 10 februari 2013

Look of the Week 6 | Sword Art Online

Hey everyone!

you might be thinking, did I miss LOTW 5? Well no, it simply does not excist. Why? Because there was also something else on my mind that, for one of the few times, was more important than blogging: school. As you know it's my senior year and I wanna rock it! So sorry, no LOTW 5, I'm really sorry! So this week I got a special LOTW!!! Hope you like it :)

This sunday I went to Tsunacon, another cosplay convention. Yes, I'm pretty addicted to it!! The best anime I've ever seen is Sword Art Online, so I was so happy when I was able to go as Asuna form SAO. Well, not really SAO, but ALO, another part of the SAO-story. And.. tadadataaaaaaaam: I made it all myself! (except for the wig, ears and necklace). What do you think?

For the ones that don't know Alfheim Online (ALO), it's the second part of the animeserie SAO season 1, where Asuna is locked in a cage and must be saved by Kirigaya Kazuto, aka Kirito, which she met at the game Sword Art Online. Alfheim Online is more like a pixie-game. People can fly and they have those funny elf-ears. The necklace represents Yui, a little girl/virtual admin in SAO, who dissapeared when she 'hacked' the gameplays at SAO.

So, now that's clear let's talk about the costume. Well, it took some time, but I'm pretty proud of it. It was a lot of fun to do this, and it brought a lot of experience. It was the first time I find all the items for its and ewed all the clothes myself. I really liked doing it all by myself, and I hope to do it more often!

Eventhough it was freaking cold outside and I didn't want to catch a cold, I first looked totally noob outside with my ginger-hair and elf-ears with my skirt above my jeans.. But it was all worth it! Since Asuna doesn't wear any shoes, I wore a pair of sandals.

I hope you like this 'special' LOFT. I promise, there will be more this year! I also hope to put my story about Tsunacon online tomorrow, with some photo's and a short movie about it. :)



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