zaterdag 16 februari 2013

What I like | Charles Worthington shampoo +conditioner

Hey everyone!

We all know that we have to take care of our hair, especially when we want to grow it long. Of course, there are lots of products to keep it smooth and keep it from damaging by, for example, a flat iron. But the most important part is to have a good shampoo and conditioner.

A couple of weeks ago I was in a drugstore, and my eyes got caught by a sale. 'Two Charles Worthington shampoo and conditioner for only €10,-'. Since my other shampoo was almost empty, and I never heard of this one before, I was like: Let's try! I'm always in for something new, and I always wanted to try different things every single time.

First thing I liked were the bottles itself. It's not the regular shampoo bottle I'm used to. Second, when I first used it, there was this gorgeous smell that overwhelmed me, wow! From that moment I really fell in love. But of course, good looking and good smelling are not the most important things, just as it isn't with human. It's important what's inside right? If a person treats you right, you like him/her, same with shampoo: if it treats my hair well, I wanna have it.

So now, a couple of weeks later, I'm still in love! It feels like the shampoo and conditioner are a perfect match. The shampoo is transparant and the conditioner white as you can see at the picture (or not see because it is transparant). And as I just dyed my hair, I don't want my hair to get split ends. And now, my hair looks more healthy.

Pro's :
-It doesn't really foam. Some will see that as a con, because it's less easy to spread it through your hair. But to me it's a pro. Since it doesn't foam, it means there is no SLS in it, which is great because SLS cleanses so deeply that is actually damages your hair and head.
- it smells awesome!
it's an easy and funlooking bottle.
-hair feels more nourished after the first time.

- I don't know if it's me, but when I apply this shampoo my hair feels a lot thinner under the shower.That's pretty weird. In real, my hair is just a little bit thinner than usual so if you have thin hair yourself, I won't recommend it.
- it sometimes leaves some rests of shampoo in your hair.

Hope you enjoyed my blog and stay tuned!!


Li Hao

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