donderdag 6 juni 2013

Sneak Peek | game Catherine

Hey everyone!
Lately I got a new game, called Catherine. (Yes boys, girls game too!) And not only the game, I got the collector's edition! Today I'll give you a sneek peek of it. :)

Even for a limited edition, this is quite big. There are more things in it than you will usually have in a collector's edition. Catherine has, besides the game, six other things. The most weird one to me is the pizzabox, but I find it quite funny. The rest, I will show you tomorrow.

I already played the game today, and I have no regrets. This was a present my friend gave me, and I cannot thank him enough for buying it to me! Catherine is a mix between horror, RPG and puzzlegame. I don't like horror, I actually want to avoid that as much as possible! But this one is different. My friend likes to play horrorgames such as Project Zero and Silent Hill, but lucky me this is anything but close to that! Catherine is more about the physical part of the main character, since the main character Vincent has nightmares which you have to puzzle him the way out, and what he should do in real life.

Although this game excist since 2011, I really like the effort they put into it. It's not a game you can call 'old' or something that is just a hype for a time. Catherine is a really good game, I've read many good reviews about it, and from my experience I can totally agree with them!

But, tomorrow I'll show you what stuff I got from the special edition of Catherine, so stay tuned!
Li Hao

2 opmerkingen:

R@D zei

Yesss catherin is awesome, hoe kom je er aan? Het is de biggest mind fuck ever.

Unknown zei

Mijn vriend heeft het via gekocht ^^