dinsdag 26 juni 2012

Owl City

No, this is not about fireflies or other songs from the musicproject Owl City. This is about jewelry of owls, something I see more often. Two years ago this trend already begun, but now it even expans more!

When I think of the owl as accessoiries, I think of the golden owl that is attached to my grandma's keychain. Two years ago, I started to notice many stores who sell owl-necklaces. Now, owls are not only bangling at a necklace, but they're printed on shirts, their are earrings made with owls, sometimes even a ring. Don't be an owner, be an owler!

Where this trend comes from? I have no idea, to me it's just as mysterious as all the mustache accessoiries I see around. I won't regret buying it! ;)

the Bigger the Better

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