Hey everyone!
Today I will talk about the asian stuff that I have. I will show you the pictures and tell something about it :D
So, what I want to show you first are my shoes!! Okay, these are not really asian. In fact, these are from Jeremy Scott, a fashionable and well-known designer. I saw them once in the Videoclip
Go Away - Japanese from 2NE1, and I immediatly fell in love with them. They've been sent from Hong Kong, because I couldn't find a shop or site in Europe who seld them. First I was scared, because some told me the site was swindle, so I was afraid I lost all my money. I mean, they were about 300 euros so that's quite expensive, but it was definitely worth it when I still received them!
The wings really make it look outrageous on top of the rest of the shoes. The leopardprint is made of soft, fabric material while the blue, red, pink and the yellow wings are made of nylon I think. I'm not sure, atleast it's smooth, hard and shiny haha. What I also like about these shoes is that they are not identical as you can see. I do not walk on them often, because I don't want them to screw up, I'm really careful with them haha.

Okay, next item is my newest jeans. I bought this from ebay, it was really cheap and was delivered in two weeks. Bad thing though, the first one I bought didn't fit. I still have to sell this one haha. I bought a second one, this time a size larger, and it just fits perfectly! It comes from Singapore, and it's pretty weird because the first one came from Hong Kong, while it's the same seller. But I don't care, I'm just happy with my jeans! What I like about it, are the bows. That makes it look really special, I never saw a jeans like this before. I found this one on a dutch clothingsite, but when I wanted to buy it, it was all gone. Lucky me ebay also sell this jeans, even cheaper than the dutch site! It's really comfortable, although it's a no-go when there is a lot of wind coming.
My Kuma hoodie is also one of my favorites. I already showed it once, but didn't really talked about it. This sweater is bought from kpoptown. It was a present from a friend of mine, and I was so happy!!
I like the ears on the hood, they are so cute! What's also handy, is the zipper above KUMA. It's a bag where you can put your phone, wallet or other important stuff in it. When you open the zipper, it says 'happy kuma' . My friend always calls me happy kuma from the day I received this cute present. It's also really comfy and can be weared daily. The first time I wore this people were staring at me like I was crazy, although I don't know why, and I don't mind. It's my style, you can love it or hate it ;)

This little bracelet of rubber I got from that friend as well. He saw it once at a cosplay convention. Apparently they also sell K-pop stuff. It was like one euro or something. The bracelet says 2NE1, and that my favorite k-pop group.
Because this bracelet presents a k-popgroup, I thought it should also be posted here. Just, as a tiny thing hehe.

Wow, this post is getting really long heh? But I'm not done yet, still two to go. Here I got a blazer, also from Hong Kong. I like this blazer because it's casual, yet a bit sturdy. The short sleeves are made of a sort of clothing smesh and it's wrinkled. The front of the blazer is made of cotton, is longer than the back and has two buttons to close it, although I like it open. The back is not closed, but as you can see it has a flower pattern on it. I like this blazer a lot, although I still do not have the right shirt or tanktop to combinate with it. Sorry that the first photo is most worst quality but I didn't had another picture from the blazer of my own. At the second picture you can see the pattern on the back really well, but too bad in this picture the colour is screwed haha.

And last but not least: My pikachu costume! This costume was also a present for my birthday. This was given me first, just as a joke haha. It is actually a pyjama, and to be honest, I slept with it and I quite liked it. Really comfy and really weird haha. The pyjama is made of fleece, a fabric that keeps you really warm. I do look really fat in it, can't imagine that someone would look really slim. At the high of the thighs, it gets really wide, and the tail is hanging on my knees. About the drawing on the backround, that is a drawing of myself I had to make with art on school. Parents liked it so..there it is!

Hope you liked my post this time, eventhough it is quite a lot. I just wanted to show you guys what I like to wear and what my style is. Now you know I like the asian style haha. Maybe because I'm partly asian? Who knows. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, share your style with me if you want, because I like to see people's style =D . I'll see you next time!
Li Hao