dinsdag 15 april 2014

New In | Green Parka Coat for spring

With monyet! (that's how I say monkey)
Too bad he's looking away, I guess he's camera-shy.
Since I fell deeply in love with my last coat, I wanted a coat that looks like that one, but only for spring/summer. Spring is here and summer is around the corner (the corner a few blocks away, but still), so I decided it was time for a new coat!
My coat <3
The zipper.
I wasn't actually looking for a new coat. Last year I bought this one and I was happy with it, but I got a coupon with some money that I could spend at one clothing store a few months ago. And since day one I'm looking for something to buy. And every single time I left the store empty handed. Until now.
But there's a twist in the story. I saw this beautiful coat and it immediately was a must-have for me. So when I decided to buy it, the store found out that my coupon was empty. Yes, there was no money on it. And I couldn't afford that coat all by myself. So again, I left empty handed.

It has huge pockets, love it!
I believe this little details makes it
a bit more cute.
A bit sad isn't it? Well, as you can see, I do have my gorgeous coat now! Thanks to my mom I was still able to buy it, and when I explained the story about the coupon at the store where I got the coupon, they gave me money. On the coupon. So now I have to buy something, again!

The hood.
There is a button at the bottom of
te sleeves, so you can open it and roll
the sleeve up if you like!
Anyway, this is the best coat I'd ever have! Yesterday I went to a zoo with this coat, and I think that even the monkey's found it exciting somehow, perhaps I had the same colour as trees.
They're like little babies! It was like 'Mommy, where is our food?'

Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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