woensdag 30 april 2014

I got my hair dyed!

Hey everyone!
For a long time I didn't do something with my hair, so I thought it was about time for changes! I don't go to the barbershop often, only when I really want to change something. The last couple of times I just cut it, but I was in for a new haircolor. I got inspired by the wigs of Sword Art Online's Asuna, and that's what I showed the barber.
This is the colour I want!
 I went there two times. The first time, my hair really got screwed up. It was too pink at most of the places and my haircolour wasn't even at all! So I got a bit mad and sad :(  The second time I went back and instead of a permanent colour, they used a coloured conditioner. Now the haircolor is more even and also a bit softer. It's still not the exact colour I wanted, but for now I'm happy :)
The first attempt. (With my 'awesome' King's Day shirt)
The second attempt. (Bad quality, sawrry)
So what do you think? You like it? ^^
Stay tuned!
Li Hao

maandag 28 april 2014

New in | Pink Yoshi!

Last weekend we celebrated King's Day in the Netherlands. It's the first time we call it King's Day, before it was called Queen's Day. What I like about Queen's/King's Day is the free market that is held every year. People all over the city come together and sell their stuff they don't want anymore. You can see the weirdest things at a market like this. That stuff could be awesome, but also a no-go. And the Yoshi I bought at this market is definitely awesome!

I like pink and I like Yoshi so this is the perfect combination of it! It's not the original one, but I don't mind for the 50 cents I paid. The only thing is, is that it looks 'bare'. It doesn't have yellow feet, a shield on it's back or those funky orange things on the back of it's head. But I still don't mind. Now I have three Yoshi's! :) That makes me happy, yay! ^-^
His/her back is bare :(
Yoshi family!

Stay tuned!
Li Hao

dinsdag 22 april 2014

New In | Sword Art Online hoodie

Today I have another 'New In' post for you! But to be honest, this hoodie isn't new. I have it since december, but forgot to blog about it. And I don't know how else I can call this post, so I decided to put it into the 'New In' category.
In december, I went with my parents and brothers to Scotland. My parents were married for 20 years and they wanted to celebrate it, so they choose a place where all men wear kilts. Well, that's not true. There were only stores with kilts, but I saw no one wearing one. And between all those kilt shops, there was an Anime Republic shop!

So of course I immediately went there, and asked if they sold something with the anime Sword Art Online. First I wanted to buy a phonecase, but all of their phonecases were meant for the Iphone 5. Which I think is stupid, but okay, no phonecase for me. Then I asked if they had something else in stock, which they did! One person came back with this hoodie and I was really suprised, since this wasn't an original drawing. I really liked the drawing so I bought it.

And now, almost five months later, I blog about it. So I'm really sorry that this post came so late! But better late than never, right?

I still hoped you liked it and stay tuned!
Li Hao

dinsdag 15 april 2014

New In | Green Parka Coat for spring

With monyet! (that's how I say monkey)
Too bad he's looking away, I guess he's camera-shy.
Since I fell deeply in love with my last coat, I wanted a coat that looks like that one, but only for spring/summer. Spring is here and summer is around the corner (the corner a few blocks away, but still), so I decided it was time for a new coat!
My coat <3
The zipper.
I wasn't actually looking for a new coat. Last year I bought this one and I was happy with it, but I got a coupon with some money that I could spend at one clothing store a few months ago. And since day one I'm looking for something to buy. And every single time I left the store empty handed. Until now.
But there's a twist in the story. I saw this beautiful coat and it immediately was a must-have for me. So when I decided to buy it, the store found out that my coupon was empty. Yes, there was no money on it. And I couldn't afford that coat all by myself. So again, I left empty handed.

It has huge pockets, love it!
I believe this little details makes it
a bit more cute.
A bit sad isn't it? Well, as you can see, I do have my gorgeous coat now! Thanks to my mom I was still able to buy it, and when I explained the story about the coupon at the store where I got the coupon, they gave me money. On the coupon. So now I have to buy something, again!

The hood.
There is a button at the bottom of
te sleeves, so you can open it and roll
the sleeve up if you like!
Anyway, this is the best coat I'd ever have! Yesterday I went to a zoo with this coat, and I think that even the monkey's found it exciting somehow, perhaps I had the same colour as trees.
They're like little babies! It was like 'Mommy, where is our food?'

Stay tuned!
Li Hao

donderdag 10 april 2014

Google Maps April Fools - short film preview shots

April Fools was more than a week ago, but I guess a lot of you can remember the prank of Google Maps right? Well, a friend of mine wanted to make a short film about it! And I was one of the people that could play in his short film. :)  To check his other short films on youtube, click here, especially when you want to see something about Mario or Minecraft! ;)

This is going to be a 'Real Life' short movie. I can't tell you a lot, but I'll post this video as soon as it comes out! For now, I have two shots of me. One with pikachu and one with my gorgeous Rillakkuma costume. I can hear you thinking: What does Rillakuma have to do with pokémon? The answer is: Nothing, but soon you'll find out why I'm wearing it. :)

Kuma is a pokémon too! Well, not quite.

Happy pikachu!
Stay tuned!
Li Hao

woensdag 2 april 2014

New In | Tohka cosplay: Worbla for armor

Hey everyone!
I'm working on my costume for Tohka, and today I received some worbla to make her armor! I already bought black fabric for her dress. Click here to see the post about the black fabric.

Worbla close-up.
The worbla.
I haven't started with the costume yet, I'm still thinking how I want it. I triet to begin with the dress, but the idea I had goes not as I wanted to, so I have to think again. Meanwhile, I was looking for worbla and fabric for her skirt. I'm not familiar with worbla, so this is going to be a whole new experience for me. I never made an armor before, so this will get quite challenging.
The pink areas are for the worbla (shoulders, gloves and yoke)
and the green areas for carton (the pieces on the yoke).
I didn't want to do this with fabric, because that won't give the armor that strong and invincible look. At least that's how I think. It should feel just as invincible as her sword (which I'm also planning to make). Since worbla is quite expensive, I don't do her whole armor with worbla. I will also use carton and some paper to make it even. Soon I will begin with her costume and armor, which is going to be a lot of fun!

Hope you enjoyed!
Li Hao