woensdag 15 januari 2014

Drawing: Date a Live's Yoshino sketch - finished

A couple of days ago I drew one of my favourite anime-characters: Yoshino. I also want to cosplay her, but as long as I can't afford it, I will draw her. :)

This was just a drawing to take my mind somewhere else from school, so it's not a big deal. Title says it: Sketch. I drew this in les than 15 minutes, so the result can't be 'wow'. Still, I like what I got on paper, eventhough it was just to set my mind off.

the global lines
the final result!
Yoshino is really cute, but her rabbit Yoshinon is even cuter! I want that rabbit so bad! And her coat as well of course! I absolutely love her coat. I hope I can cosplay her very soon. :)

Hope you liked it and stay tuned!
Li Hao

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