donderdag 2 januari 2014

Drawing: Sword Art Online Asuna 'human'-version portrait - Unfinished

Hey everyone,
Happy new year! I hope for all of you that this is going to be a great year! :)

To start 2014 myself, I promised myself to draw more. I like to draw, but don't always have the time. And when I have time, I'm never happy with the result. But this year, I'm going to do things different. Nevermind how my drawings look, even if it's not finished or so, I'll still post it here. :)

That's why I'm starting this year off with a drawing I made. It's not finished yet, but it's almost done! I just have to do the finishing touches. Whenever I'm drawing, I always make a sketch first. Just the basic lines to get an idea how it will look. Then I make lines where the eyes, nose and mouth should be. And step by step, I fill in the lines. :) I made several photo's throughout the process, and these are the results!

the basic lines
Fill in her face
Add some dept

And the result!

I hope you enjoyed!
Li Hao

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