zaterdag 28 februari 2015

DIY | Onigiri

Yay, I finally made some onigiri! After I went to Nishicon last year, I thought it would be a great idea to make some onigiri, since I bought some regular onigiri shapers. And this week me and a friend and my little brother made this! It's actually quite easy :).
The onigiri shapers!
What you will need is:
- sushi rice
- rice cooker (or a pan to boil it in)
- nori

That's the base for an onigiri, but you can give it more flavor by filling it. For example I used salmon, tuna and marinated chicken. I also bought a package onigiri flavour mix to mix with the rice. For some extra flavour I bought wasabimayo, to combine with the salmon and tuna. These are just ideas but you can be creative and create something your own!
My three fillings ^^.
The onigiri flavour mix.
You need to cook the rice. Don't overcook it, but it shouldn't feel soggy either. After you've done that, the hardest part is done. Really! It is quite easy once you have those shapers ^^.
Fill the shaper with some rice (or mix the rice with the onigiri flavour mix first) until it's filled 3/4. Then, with your thumb, make a whole in the middle so you can fill it with your filling. After that, put some rice above it so it sticks out a little of the shaper. Take the upper part of the shaper and push hard! This way it will all stick together. Take it out of the shaper and put some nori around it, so you can eat it without sticky hands. And there you go, your own onigiri!
What is optional, is to put some filling on top of the onigiri, like the picture below ^^.
Some salmon on top, omnomnom.
The result!
The three of us did this until we went out of rice. We still had quite some salmon left so I decided to put all the salmon in on of the shapers and squeezed it together. I then put some nori around it and ate it... I got a salmon explosion in my mouth, probably not the best idea haha.
Too much...salmon... ^.^''
Hope you liked it and got inspired to make it yourself! Of course, a shaper isn't necessary, you can mold it with your own hands! But that takes a bit longer :).


woensdag 25 februari 2015

New In | Yoshino Wig Date a Live

It's been a while since I posted a 'New In' blog. I believe that I mentioned once or maybe twice before that I wanted to cosplay Yoshino from the anime Date a Live. I also have her puppet Yoshinon already, which I posted exactly one year and one day ago haha :).

So here is the wig. I really love the wig! You may not be able to see it very well on the picture, but the wig has different shades of blue, which is really nice. I also like the curls very much!
Love it!
Those curls!! <3
Now I only have to protect it from damage or knotting to let it stay in the same beautiful shape as it is now.

Stay tuned,

zaterdag 21 februari 2015

Tsunacon 2015 | Convention Video

See here my video with highlights of the convention! It took longer than expected, since my computer didn't want to work with Adobe Premiere Pro anymore... I've learned a lot during the making of this film and hope to improve next time! The next convention is Animecon at The Hague, where I'll be making a Cosplay Music Video, so stay tuned! :)

For my purchases you can click here. I also made a post about my experience as a gopher and don't forget to see my look as Lee Hi!


vrijdag 20 februari 2015

Tsunacon 2015 | My Purchases

Tsunacon was so much fun! I really enjoyed myself, especially in the deallerroom. I don't know why, but that's the place where I spend the most time. I had less money with me than usual, but I was still able to buy some cool stuff. ^^

First of all I went to a manga artist who will draw me in manga style. I don't have it back yet since it takes some time, but I can't wait for the result! They made a photo of me to draw with so I'm pretty excited!

I also bought this package with different japanese snacks. It was only 5 euros so to me it was a must have hehe. In the end I gave it away to a friend of mine and we shared some snacks together. Overall it tastes pretty good! This package continued Pretz, Kitkat Green Tea, Kitkat Strawberry and two different kinds of Panda chocolate cookies. Omnomnom.

The package
 I also bought three posters to hang on my wall. I went to the same stand as last year, and they also had the same drawings that I bought last year. I think they're drawings are really impressive! It's nice to see all those posters on my wall. ^^
When I came across the lucky stars I just had to buy some paper for it! A friend of mine is very handy making these and I'm still trying to learn, so I guess it was a good idea to buy this :).

lucky stars!
Last but not least I also bought a bookmark with Asuna drawn on it. I'm not a huge fan of reading, but it might motivate me for my study ;).
Reading a book will never be the same again ;p.
That were all my purchases, my next convention will be Animecon in June, so stay tuned!

woensdag 18 februari 2015

My experience as a gopher @ Tsunacon 2015

my Gopher pass
Yesterday I went to Tsunacon and for the first time I helped there as a gopher. I was really excited since I didn't know what to expect. When I arrived they gave me a bag with some food, drink, a crewshirt and chopsticks. They only had size L or XL left of the t-shirts, so it looked way to big on me since I have size S haha. During work I had to wear the crew t-shirt, but for my other outfit for Tsunacon click here! Oh, the chopsticks were designed by Tsunacon which is so cool!

For this convention I had to take care of the bagroom and when I started it was quite busy already. So many people wanted to leave their bags behind or wanted to take something out. The team that I worked with was constantly walking, and sometimes even running, around to find bags or put them away at the right place. There were just so many bags!!

Shirt, frontside
Most of the time everything went quite smoothly, but unfortunately it had happened that we couldn't find a bag since it wasn't placed where it should have been, but in the end we would find it back, as far as I was there. ^^

It was a fun time doing it, especially since I like to help this way and I don't have to buy a ticket haha. I don't know if I would do it again very soon, since I didn't have much time left to spend at the convention itself. But overall it was a great experience!

Stay tuned,
The TSUNAcon chopsticks!

zondag 15 februari 2015

Today's Look | Lee Hi

Today I went to Tsunacon at Rotterdam. It was the first time that I went there for the convention itself as well as a gopher. I didn't know what I wanted to cosplay, so in the end I decided to wear the outfit that Lee Hi wears with her duet 'I'm different'.
I already showed you guys the outfit itself, but I also made a headband with catears myself. I will post a blog about that soon. In the deallerroom of Tsunacon there was a stand where you can get yourself sketches in manga style. I did that, so I can't wait for the result! I will post that sketch as soon as I got it. ^^

Stay tuned for my blog about Tsunacon and a video about it!