donderdag 12 december 2013

New in: Kimmi Fragrance - Lily!

As some of you already know, I collect Kimmi Dolls. They are really cute mini geisha's, and there are so many of them! Yesterday I found out that there are also Kimmi fragrances. And since I never bought a Kimmi fragrance, I desperately wanted this.

There weren't many left, only Billie and Lily. I found out that all of the names ends with an 'I'. I chose for Lily, since it looks like my own name (Lilian). This is a mini I think, since I saw bigger ones you can spray on your body, and this one only has an opening. The smell is really fruity and sweet. It smells so good. It smells like fruit and flowers, my favourites!
The packaging

I'm really happy to have my first Kimmi fragrance. This is a fragrance I want to wear every single day. And it's easy to bring it with you, since it's so small. The only problem I found was the packaging: It just wouldn't open. But after that frustration, the sence of raspberry and roses made my day!


Oh no, she's beheaded!

Hope you liked it, stay tuned!
Li Hao

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