zondag 28 juni 2015

Animecon 2015 | My purchases

The 14th of June I went to Animecon and as usual it was awesome! I had a great time and of course I didn't leave empty handed.

I bought four posters to put on my wall. Two from Akame Ga Kill, one from Totoro and one from Date a Live. My wall is getting more and more covered with posters and I love it!
I also bought a Lucky Bag from Mostcutest.com and it was full of cute stuff! I really like this lucky bag, everything is so adorable!

And last but not least, with my two friends we found someone that would sketch us. I think the result is amazing! We also got to choose two postcards each, so I chose these two ^^.

Stay tuned,

zondag 14 juni 2015

Today's Look | Aurora from Child of Light

Yesterday I went to Animecon as Aurora! I finished the cosplay just in time, I only wasn't able to fnish her sword the way I wanted, but that's something I'll do for the next time ^.^
Since Aurora has bare feet and I don't want to walk with bare feet, I decided to get some cute white shoes that match with here gloves and wings. I also added Igniculus to one of my gloves with a fishing line.

Stay tuned!

donderdag 11 juni 2015

Art | Deemo

And yet I made another painting! This time from Deemo and the girl from the game Deemo.
I already made a drawing of the girl twice, so if you're curious click here and here :).

As usual I started with the drawing, and then the fun part began. I wet the paper, but not just with water. This time, I just...COFFEE! It might seem crazy but I think it's creative ^^. Eventhough I never drink coffee myself haha. I used coffee to give the paper some brown, old-looking colour and I must say that the coffee did a good job!

Once the paper dried, I used acrylics to paint Deemo and the girl. It took some time since it can be quite difficult to fill the corners, even with the smalles brush that I have! After the painting was done, I used a black fineliner to contour the lines for the finishing touch.

I'm happy with the result and I think that I would put this on my wall as well, just as my Aurora-painting.

This painting is A2 format and it took me around 6 hours to make it, because it takes a while before the paper can be used again after his caffeine shot :P.


woensdag 10 juni 2015

Aurora Cosplay Part II | The Crown

Since Aurora is the princess of Lemuria she wears a crown. Now I can (pretend to) be a little princess too!
For the crown I used craft foam and worbla. I sketched the crown on paper and when I was happy with the measurements, I copied it on the foam and worbla.
After that, I added the foam between the two sheets of worbla and melted it together. After that, I shaped the crown the way I wanted with my heatgun.

The last part (and easiest part) was painting. I painted the crown gold and added some details on it, and this is the final result!


maandag 8 juni 2015

Aurora Cosplay part I | Igniculus

 Hey everyone!

Since I want to cosplay Aurora and she always had Igniculus by her side, it was a must for me to make him as well.

I cut some fabric in the shape of a drop twice, and then sewed them together with still a little whole at the bottom. Then I put some cottonwool in it and a small light so that Igniculus can light up! After that I sewed the bottom so that the shape was finished, and with blue acrylics I painted the sides of the fabric. I finished Igniculus by giving him eyes and a mouth. And tadaaa, here is the result!
The two pieces of fabric

Igniculus! <3
It's so cute isn't it?!? Everytime I look at it I get more and more excited for the convention.
Stay tuned!


vrijdag 5 juni 2015

New In | Red wig for Aurora Cosplay - Child of Light

Hey everyone!

The past coulpe of weeks I got a bit obsessed with the game Child of Light, and because Animecon 2015 is just around the corner, I really want to cosplay Aurora from this game!
Since I don't have long red hair, I thought that buying a wig would be a good solution for this problem. So I bought one. :)

It's a long, curly wig with lots of volume, and to me it's the right colour for this copslay! And since Aurora grows within the game, I chose to cosplay Aurora as a child.

Now that I have the wig, I feel inspired to make the costume and everything else that belongs to her. So stay tuned!


woensdag 3 juni 2015

Art | Aurora - Child of Light

Recently I wanted to be creative in so many ways, but I started with this painting. I got very inspired by the game Child of Light by Ubisoft. It's a whole new world to find out and such a different game than most games nowadays.
The image I wanted to copy.

Anyway, I began my painting by copying an image that I saw on the internet. When I was happy about the result, I wet the paper and started to paint with watercolor. I only used one color, indigo blue. I wanted a copy, but still with a touch of me put into work, so it's not exactly the same but it looks a lot like it!

Since I'm not so good with watercolor paintings, I was quite surprised how this painting came out! I'm happy with the result. Also, since I moved out a couple of weeks ago, I am excited to put this on my wall ^^.

Stay tuned!
