dinsdag 6 mei 2014

Tohka Cosplay | Part I

Today I began on the cosplay of Tohka, from the anime Date a Live. Since I'm still waiting for some tule to make the skirt, I thought it was a good idea to begin with the side parts of the hip-armor. Believe me, this cosplay is going to have a lot of 'making-of' parts. Way more than I normal do! Anyway, I used my brother's box where he got his desktop in. If you notice you can see the 'decoration' from his birthday-present haha. Tohka has five of those sideparts, so it was quite some work.

It took some time to unfold it!
I began with measuring. I believe that took most of the time. Sometimes it wasn't even or/and long enough. It was hard to make one big enough. The upper part of it is smaller and around 1/3 of it, it comes at it's widest point. To make sure those pieces were measured right comparing to the lower part was pretty hard. But once I had the right measurements, it all went fast.
Not very good visible, but you can see the lines.
 So once I got the outline of the sidepart, I began to cut if with a knife. This carton I used is pretty big so I had to go over it a couple times. Ones the first one was done, I placed it on another piece of carton en started to ouline the first piece. That's way easier than measuring it all over again!

After a couple of hours, I now have the five pieces I need! I need some special paper that will make this partst stronger and that will hold the purple paint.
The first one to cut.
The five pieces, all done!
Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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