woensdag 28 mei 2014

New In| My own professional camera!

 I'm back with another New In, and this time it's about my own camera! I'm really happy that I could say that I own the Canon EOS 600D! In the past, I used my friend's camera for filming, such as the cosplay video's I make. But for me, it's more special to have my own camera.
I feel such a noob when it come to technology, and I have no clue how this camera even works. I know the bases because of the my friend's Canon, and for now that will do. What I like about this camera is that I can film for a long time with it. It has a standart kit lens with zoom function, which I really like. And I can also buy other lenses to put on it (which I won't do any soon because I'm kinde broke by buying this camere hehe). It also has high quality shooting, even when the manual focus isn't 100% as I want to. But what I like the most, is the screen that I can turn. Now it's easier to make video's about making cosplay or make-up tutorials.
I've never had such a huge camera.
the screen which is real handy!
I'm really excited to try this out as soon as possible! Of course I already filmed a bit, but I wonder how it will look on youtube. :)

Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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