zaterdag 17 mei 2014

New In | Tohka Cosplay Wig

It took two months (!!) but it finally arrived. I have my wig and now I'm getting even more excited about my cosplay for this June! I got scared a bit when I saw the colour, it's just so purple! Tohka has a dark purple hair colour,  and this wig is more purple-purple in my opinion. But that is in day light. When I'm inside it pretty much looks the same as Tohka :)

I know that this character has long hair, but I didn't think that the wig would be that long as well! I wonder how I'll be able to wear it without getting it tangled too much. This wig consists of two parts: The long wig itself and one tail to put at the top of the head. The tail makes to wig so heavy, so I think my head will hurt at the end of the convention haha. I still need to trim some parts, but I'll do that later. :)
Look how long!
Too much purple for this pic though.
Anyway, stay tuned!
Li Hao

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