woensdag 24 september 2014

New In | Super Neon Violet Circle Lenses by EOS

Hey everyone!!

I finally have my violet circle lenses, yay! I wanted to wear them for Kirito at Abunai, but I didn't have them by then. However, no I have them so I really need to finish my Tohka costume, I'm getting more motivated now. :)
the contacts.
Since I have dark eyes, they also appear dark. I think, that even it isn't that neon-ish, it still has it's of cuteness overload in it? I don't know, I just like them!
Me with my purple-ish eyes.
This is the second time that I bought circle lenses from pinkyparadise.com. So far I'm happy ^^ The first pair I bought was the blue cirlce lens, which I bought for my Miku Project (which is currently on pause). The first time they send me a lens case, and of course they send me another lens case this time, and it's purple! That's pretty handy, to have the lens case the same as the contacts. :P
Anyway, stay tuned!

Li Hao

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