vrijdag 4 juli 2014

A drawing for my new lay-out!

Hey guys!
Long time no see! Last couple of weeks I've been very busy with college, since it were the final weeks. Only one week to go and I'm done! No more exams or whatsoever, but free time I can use for my blog!
I decided to have an other name than Li Hao, since when you search Li Hao, they want to search for yahoo instead. Well, that's not what I was hoping for you to find, since I have nothing in common with yahoo..

To enjoy my first free days I decided to draw something for my new lay-out! I'm very busy with my lay-out, since I want it to be done as soon as possible. When everything's done, the name of link to this website will change as well.
But for now, the drawing. It's not finished yet, I need to photoshop it with the computer, but the basice lines are done! Firstly I drew it with a pencil, and after that I made a copy and drew it over with a fine liner. So this is the result for now. Don't look at the hands. I'm not good at drawing hands haha. But I'll fix it. I added the branches, so I can make a cherry blossom! I really like cherry blossoms, so I think it's a great way to make it even more personal.
From this moment on, I hope to make way more blogs than the last couple of months. So stay tuned!
Li Hao

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