donderdag 10 april 2014

Google Maps April Fools - short film preview shots

April Fools was more than a week ago, but I guess a lot of you can remember the prank of Google Maps right? Well, a friend of mine wanted to make a short film about it! And I was one of the people that could play in his short film. :)  To check his other short films on youtube, click here, especially when you want to see something about Mario or Minecraft! ;)

This is going to be a 'Real Life' short movie. I can't tell you a lot, but I'll post this video as soon as it comes out! For now, I have two shots of me. One with pikachu and one with my gorgeous Rillakkuma costume. I can hear you thinking: What does Rillakuma have to do with pokémon? The answer is: Nothing, but soon you'll find out why I'm wearing it. :)

Kuma is a pokémon too! Well, not quite.

Happy pikachu!
Stay tuned!
Li Hao

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