woensdag 19 februari 2014

Tsunacon 2014 | Broaden Your Horizon

It's already a couple of days ago since I stepped in the shoes of Shingeki No Kyojin's Mikasa. This is the second year I went to Tsunacon. To check my blog about last year, click here. For the third time Tsunacon was held at the Erasmus Expo at Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Eventhough it was the same place as the last two years, I experienced it differently than last year. I liked it how Tsunacon was able to keep certain rooms like bagroom, deallerroom and gameroom at the same place as last year. Now the chances are small that I would lost my group. I still did though. But in the meantime I enjoyed myself with random people which was a lot of fun as well.

To be hones, I liked Tsunacon more last year than this year. My experience was that there were more people. I like more people of course, the more the better. But it felt a bit overcrowded. There were also less things in the deallerroom I liked, there were more of the same stands than last year I believe.

Still I bought some stuff and I had a lot of fun. There also was a photoshoot for all the cosplayers of Shingeki No Kyojin! This was the second time I went to a photoshoot, last year was with a Sword Art Online Group and that was also at Tsunacon. I really enjoyed that a lot.

Such a big group! Are you able to find me? ;)
Since the theme of Tsunacon was "Broaden Your Horizon", I decided to do that with my video's about conventions. This is the first convention where I asked several cosplayers to film them, especially for a Cosplay Video. Now that is not something original, but it's awesome to experiment with new filmmaterial. I'll still make the video's I'm used to, and right now I'm editing one for Tsunacon.

I'll also make a post about the things I've purchased at Tsunacon, so stay tuned!
Li Hao

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