Hey everyone, I know it's monday, not sunday. I'm pretty busy right now, the finals are coming and I'm freaked out. That's why I don't have much time, I'm really sorry for that!

Anyway, I still didn't had time to upload some photo's for queensday. Also, those photo's are not the best quality ever. But I did had time to make a t-shirt! Vanilia and Styletoday ( both dutch ) made a competition where you should put your design and you get a chance to win 500 euros to buy clothes at Vanilia and your design will be in production. Now, I made one as well, and I really hope they will pick me. What I do need are votes. So, if you are dutch and have facebook, please vote for me! Click
here , like this app and vote for the
t-shirt that is shown at the right.
This t-shirt is mostly inspired by BigBang, an k-pop group. They have a song,
Fantastic Baby, and I saw a live version of it (click the link) and I really like the clothes! I hope you like this design as well.
What I just found out, is that the style of Vanilia is WAY different than mine. It's not really my style of fashion though, but I still hope they want something new in their collection :) .
Next week I have my finals, so I won't post. The newest post will be posted on June 1st, I promise! Also, after my finals I can finally begin with the dress I want to make so badly now!
Me is a Kuma, GRAAUW!
And..tamtamtamtaaaaaaaam! Last wednesday was my 18th birthday, and I got this hoodie as a present. It's a Kuma, what is japanese for bear. I think it is so cute and adorable! It's really asianstyle, and that's what I like!
Don't forget to check LiHao's blogspot on June 1st!